Phone number +370 669 00118 E-mail



Core business: Retail business
Date of registration: 27 August 2007
Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers, UAB
Date of listing (Bond List): 14 September 2018
Market: Nasdaq Vilnius

Management Board

Manfredas Dargužis (Chairman), Agnė Voverė, Arūnas Zimnickas, Karolina Zygmantaitė, Lauryna Šaltinė, Petar Pavlov, Jolanta Bivainytė.

Supervisory Board

Matas Kasperavičius, Nerijus Maknevičius, Paulius Mencas.

Background Information 

MAXIMA GRUPĖ, UAB owns retail chains Maxima (in the Baltic countries), Stokrotka (in Poland), T-Market (in Bulgaria) and e-grocery business Barbora operating in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. MAXIMA GRUPĖ, UAB also owns FRANMAX, UAB which provides information technology and support services for the Group's companies. The first Maxima store was opened in Lithuania more than 32 years ago. During this period, Maxima retail chain has become the first choice for many customers in the Baltics, where the Maxima retail chain is the overall market leader. Currently MAXIMA GRUPĖ, UAB owns more than 1,534 stores in multiple countries of Europe and has more than 38 thousand employees. More than 1.6 million customers visit MAXIMA GRUPĖ, UAB retail chains every day. 

Company's Articles of Association

Articles of association of MAXIMA GRUPE, UAB.

Contact Details 

Address: Ozo g. 25, Vilnius LT-07150, Lithuania
Telephone: +370 669 00118
Internet webpage: