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Having brought together a strong team of retail managers in “Maxima Grupė”, “Vilniaus Prekyba” will increase its focus on the development of the pharmacy business

2017 08 04

P. Jašinskas will chair the boards of “Maxima” sales business, while  R. Kižienė will head “Euroapotheca” pharmacy business

In order to bring challenges under control, corporate governance model of “Vilniaus Prekyba” transformed in the beginning of this year - boards of operational business companies were established, including members of the boards and CEOs of parent and associated companies. After the model answered the purpose, Vilniaus Prekyba decided to appoint CEOs of main “Maxima” businesses in the Baltic States to members of the boards of “Maxima Grupė” and “Franmax”. The Chair of the Board of UAB “Vilniaus Prekyba” will continue chairing boards of “Maxima” business companies, while teams of heads of business will play the main role in “Maxima Grupė” operational business companies “Maxima LT”, “Maxima Latvija” and “Maxima Eesti”.

“Establishment of the boards met all expectations - it sped up decision-making and increased synergy in “Maxima Grupė” and helped establish the necessary direction in the largest company of our business “Maxima LT”. In order to ensure dynamic and determined “Maxima” business management, we are taking yet another step involving in the composition of the board of “Maxima Grupė” heads of main business companies” - said P. Jašinskas.

Since now on, Director of UAB “Vilniaus Prekyba” R. Kižienė will focus more on the development of pharmacy business while continuing working in the board of UAB “Euroapotheca”. “Having assessed the opportunities in the market, we are starting a new stage of the development of “Euroapotheca” group. We are an experienced and ambitious team prepared to take advantage of our business experience and energy for intensive development and growth in promising markets” - said R. Kižienė.

UAB “Vilniaus Prekyba” implemented corporate governance changes of its subsidiaries in February of this year - boards and supervisory boards were formed or realigned in “Maxima Grupė”, “Maxima LT”, “Maxima Latvija”, “Maxima Eesti”, “Euroapotheca”, “Akropolis Group”, “Ermitažas” and “Franmax”.

Planned changes in boards and supervisory boards:

UAB “Maxima Grupė”

Director: Robertas Čipkus

Board: Petras Jašinskas (Chair), Kristina Meidė, Andris Vilcmeiers, Vygintas Šapokas, Tomas Kibildis, Gintaras Jasinskas, Robertas Čipkus

UAB “Franmax”

Director: Gintaras Jasinskas 

Board: Petras Jašinskas (Chair), Gintaras Jasinskas, Kristina Meidė, Andris Vilcmeiers, Vygintas Šapokas, Tomas Kibildis, Robertas Čipkus

UAB “Maxima LT”

Director: Kristina Meidė

Board: Kristina Meidė (Chair of the board and Director of the company), Kęstutis Gailius, Vilma Drulienė, Neringa Vaitelytė, Lina Trinkūnienė

“Maxima Latvija” SIA

Board: Andris Vilcmeiers (Chair of the board and Director of the company), Kristine Aboltina, Viktors Troicins

Supervisory board: Petras Jašinskas (Chair), Robertas Čipkus, Eugenijus Filonovas, Vilius Rimkus

“Maxima Eesti” OÜ

Board: Vygintas Šapokas (Chair of the board and Director of the company), Aleksei Kadorko, Marko Poder, Kristina Mustonen

Supervisory board:  Petras Jašinskas (Chair), Robertas Čipkus, Vilius Rimkus, Eugenijus Filonovas

“Barbora” (UAB “Radas”)

Director: Tomas Kibildis

Board: Petras Jašinskas (Chair), Robertas Čipkus