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Justas Riauba replaces Dalius Misiūnas as head of Maxima Grupė

2019 04 09

Justas Riauba is replacing Dalius Misiūnas in the position of CEO of Maxima Grupė. He has also been elected as the chairman of the company’s board of directors. Maxima Grupė’s board of directors is being joined as well by Vilniaus Prekyba CEO Mantas Kuncaitis.

 “This new career stage at Maxima Grupė is big recognition and an even bigger professional challenge. I take it up knowing I’ll be working with a strong team of professional managers with whom we will implement the company’s development vision together. Key priorities will continue to include ensuring the best prices and shopping experience in all markets, strengthening of positions in Poland, and attention to employees,” said Justas Riauba, the new CEO of Maxima Grupė.

Justas Riauba since 2013 has held leading positions at companies in the group responsible for investments. Before joining Maxima Grupė, he coordinated business development projects at Metodika B.V. – a Dutch holding company for Vilniaus Prekyba and the NDX Group which also acts as Nerijus Numavičius’s family office.

“The most important task that shareholders entrusted to me was to prepare Maxima Grupė for a new phase of operations and growth. For that purpose, we successfully placed the biggest bond issue in the region, acquired and merged several retail chains in Poland, and put together a strong management team. Moreover, at the start of this year we prepared and approved a long-term development strategy for the group through 2025. In planning the organization’s next phase of operations, we agreed that the company needs a new top manager,” Dalius Misiūnas said.

“In the name of the entire team, I congratulate Justas Riauba for joining Maxima Grupė, confident that his experience and enthusiasm will contribute to achieving the company’s goals. I also thank Dalius Misiūnas, whose sincere work enabled the group to realize more than one ambitious initiative,” said Mantas Kuncaitis, the head of Vilniaus Prekyba.

The decision to change the head of Maxima Grupė was taken by mutual agreement in light of diverging views with Vilniaus Prekyba on matters regarding further development of the company’s operations. It was agreed that under such circumstances a new top manager should take the reins of Maxima Grupė.

Dalius Misiūnas had led Maxima Grupė since February 2018.