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MAXIMA Directors General to switch places

2011 10 04

Changes in top management of MAXIMA: starting 5 October, current DG of MAXIMA retail chain in Lithuania, Gintaras Jasinskas, becomes Chairman of the Board of MAXIMA Latvija while his predecessor in Latvija, Arūnas Zimnickas, takes the position of MAXIMA LT DG. The decision is part of the strategy to apply rotation to top management every couple of years or so.
Mindaugas Bagdonavičius, Director General of MAXIMA GRUPĖ, UAB, says that this decision was made based on the world's best management practice. "This move enables us to further share best practices internally, ensure top performance of MAXIMA retail chain as well as provide the DGs with new challenges and opportunities to make use of the experience accumulated in different markets," he said. According to Bagdonavičius, both DGs have been very successful in their corresponding markets, formed strong teams, and brought impressive results. "This rotation will allow the Lithuanian DG to get some international work experience, and the Latvian one – an opportunity to work in the Baltic region's largest market," Bagdonavičius explained the new challenges.
Both DGs are long-term MAXIMA's employees. Jasinskas started his career in 1993 when MAXIMA had only 4 trade centres. He began small but a few years later was already managing a few affiliate branches and continued his career by taking several departments under his control. Before becoming DG of MAXIMA LT in January 2008, Jasinskas ran the company's Procurement Department.
Arūnas Zimnickas began working for MAXIMA in 1998. A year later he was Manager of Commerce in Latvia, ran MAXIMA Eesti for two years. He also supervised the retail chain's expansion into new markets and became Chairman of the Board of MAXIMA Latvia in July 2008.
MAXIMA GRUPĖ, UAB is an operational financial holding company registered in 2007, governing the retail business in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Bulgaria, which consists of 449 trade centres Maxima X, Maxima XX, Maxima XXX, T-Market, T-Market Express, and Ermitažas. The number of trade centres in these countries is as follows: 218 in Lithuania, 131 in Latvia, 61 in Estonia, and 39 in Bulgaria. MAXIMA GRUPĖ, UAB employs more than 25,000 people in total.