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Maxima Grupė opened the biggest and up-to-date logistics centre in Estonia

2016 02 08

Maxima Grupė made a substantial step of development in Estonia – the biggest and up-to-date logistics centre in the country started its operations. It will contribute in greater efficiency of Maxima activity in the country and will ensure the highest quality of products.

The logistics centre operating near Tallinn, in Rae Parish, Kurna village occupies approximately 45 thousand sq. Metres. It consists of three warehouses – dry, cooling, and container areas; here are erected 130 transportation platforms. The logistics centre will have a staff of 350 employees.

Maxima Grupė invested in the Estonian logistics centre 35 M. EUR. It is the biggest Maxima Grupė development project of the last year.

“The decision to build the new logistics centre was dictated by business logic and business development conducted in Estonia over the recent years. The new centre will allow development of activity in a significantly more efficient scope. It will ensure efficient commodities supply chain and will facilitate more rapid delivery of goods to the stores. Thus, we will achieve even greater freshness and quality of the goods. I can boldly state that the benefit of the newly arranged supply chain processes will be felt both by our customers in Estonia and, first of all, by our employees” – stated Neringa Janavičiūtė, General Manager of Maxima Grupė.

According to Maxima Eesti manager Vygintas Šapokas, the new logistics centre gives a sense to the development of trade network conducted over the recent years and extends the capacity of Maxima Eesti facilities. “Already today Maxima is one of the biggest retail sales networks in Estonia. Daily we service over 150 thousand Customers and their number continuously increases. From now on we will be able to offer our customers even bigger choice of goods, will expand our collaboration with local manufacturers and will ensure our customers even better access to Estonian products in Maxima stores” - stated Mr. V. Šapokas.

Currently in Estonia already operate 75 Maxima stores. Last year five new stores were opened and one was renovated in Estonia; and its year Maxima Eesti finished opening its first large format Maxima XXX supermarket in Tallinn.

Until now, part of warehousing services in Estonia Maxima was purchasing from local companies, while remaining cargoes would be delivered from Lithuania and Latvia. Own logistics centre will ensure more efficient warehousing, storage and delivery of goods; also will allow more flexible acceptance and setting of the goods in the stores.

Meantime, goods are supplied to the Maxima stores operating in Estonia from dry product warehouse. Gradually their supply from other warehouses installed in the centre will also be commenced; and operation of the logistics centre in full capacity will start in August. From here, over 30 thousand goods will be supplied to the stores and approximately 200 cargo vans will be serviced daily.

The new Maxima logistics centre can be distinguished not only by its impressive size. When building this centre, sophisticated construction materials were used and the most innovative technologies were applied. For instance, white roof of the logistics centre is covered with titanium oxide roofing. It allows absorbing from the air CO2 gas and thus reducing air pollution. Furthermore, sophisticated roof will ensure achieving lower air temperatures inside the building in summer and significantly more efficient usage of ventilation and conditioning systems.

The warehouses are equipped using the newest warehousing technologies. They are implemented in all processes – starting from acceptance of goods, warehousing/storage and loading. High quality of the goods will be ensured storing them in the rooms with different temperatures: depending on the category of goods, room temperature will be maintained from +18 to -24 ºC, and in a special deep freezing chamber it will reach even -30 ºC. The warehouses are equipped with Warehouse Management System (WMS), cross-docking function, transport planning and yard management systems, robotized container sorting, recycling material sorting and automated packaging of these materials and all these systems and equipment will be extensively applied and used. Many of the processes are automated and computerised. For instance, the following systems are fully computerised: hoisting equipment battery charging, impact accounting, complementing, illumination and heating. Employees have comfortable working places, changing rooms are equipped with modern equipment, resting places for smoker and non-smoker staff are provided.

The giant facilities, construction of which began started in September 2014, were built and completed within the shortest ever time. Construction process was organised and project managed by JSC GVP Invest. All works in Estonia performed by local companies. The facilities were designed by Nord Projekt, general contractor of constructions was Rand ja Tuulberg, and supervision of construction works was conducted by Telora-E.

Maxima Grupė is a holding company founded in 2007. It controls retail trade companies in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Bulgaria. The Group has a total of 535 Maxima X, Maxima XX, Maxima XXX, Aldik, and T-Market shops: 233 shops in Lithuania, 148 – in Latvia, 75 – in Estonia, 48 – in Bulgaria, and 31 – in Poland. The Group’s companies have over 31,000 employees.

More information:
Giedrius Juozapavičius
Corporate Affairs Manager | Maxima Grupė