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In 2019, MAXIMA Lietuva set a goal to achieve 100% recyclability for the plastic packaging of its private label "Meistro kokybė" products by 2025. By 2023, the recyclability level reached 99.93%.

In 2023, the Group's companies operating in the Baltic region took steps to enhance the recyclability of packaging for private label product lines that are intended for heating and ready-to-eat consumption. This initiative began with the formation of a dedicated internal working group focused on developing principles for more easily recyclable packaging design. Industry experts were also consulted to provide insights and recommendations. Together, we developed key principles aimed at improving packaging recyclability. These principles are based on best industry practices and adhere to "RecyClass" guidelines—a recognized standard for evaluating the recyclability of packaging solutions.

Our plans for the coming years include testing the established principles to assess their practicality and effectiveness. Our goal is to gradually refine our approach over time and ultimately increase the recyclability of packaging for our private label products.

The deposit-return system for beverage packaging has already been implemented in our stores across the Baltic region, and a similar system will be introduced in Poland within a year. The transition to new methods for managing beverage packaging waste in the Polish market will require additional efforts and knowledge from market participants. Our companies operating in countries with developed beverage packaging deposit systems are sharing their knowledge and experience with our Polish colleagues to facilitate the implementation of these new solutions.